Butt Exercises

Leg Muscle Groups

The buttocks are comprised of two major muscle groupings: the gluteals and a series of superficial muscles. The gluteals include the following muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimius. The superficial group of muscles attaches to the hip from the buttocks are the inferior gemellus, obturator internus, piriformis, quadratus femoris, and the superior gemellus.

While women are more prone to seeking out butt exercises as means to firm and tone the gluteal muscles, men should not neglect this area. Strong development of the buttocks can lessen the potential for injury and possible muscle tears.

A list of butt exercises:

Angle leg presses are a fantastic way to target the quadriceps and gluteals (primarily), as well as the hamstrings and even the inner thigh muscles. Those who cannot do squats (due to injury, discomfort, etc.) often find these to be a great alternative.
Making use of a specialized piece of equipment, the butt blaster exercise is fantastic at targeting gluteals, particularly, the upper region.
Quite simply, deadlifts are the ultimate power exercise; they blast the majority of the body's muscles (especially the quads, glutes, lats, and traps).
A fantastic exercise for beginners looking to strengthen the quads and buttocks. This machine-based exercise, which particularly targets the lower quadriceps, offers additional safety precautions and guides one's movements by means of a sliding track.
Cable hip abductions are a nice way to strengthen and form the hips. The use of cables allows for very fluid motions while performing the exercise.
Using a barbell across the shoulders for additional weight, lunges (barbell) target the glutes and quadriceps immensely. Caution must be taken as the additional overhead weight requires more balance.
Lunges are a supreme way to burn the gluteal muscles, as well as the quadriceps. Using dumbbells lessens the risk of injury compared to lunges with a barbell.
Machine abductions do an excellent job of targeting and shaping the hips (gluteus medius and gluteus maximus), which can thereby make the waistline appear more narrow.
Squat thrusts / up-downs are a grueling, full-body exercise that work a large array of muscles from your chest to your calves.
Along with deadlifts, squats are the ultimate bodybuilding exercise. The single squatting motion recruits almost the entire muscular system including mainly the following muscles: the quadriceps, glutes, adductors, spinal erectors, abdominals, obliques, and hamstrings.
Dumbbell squats and barbell squats may target the quads and glutes but the secondary muscles involved differ greatly. The dumbbell variation has much less emphasis on the abdominals.
Reducing the amount of focus on the quadriceps from standard deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts concentrate on the hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back as primary muscles.